Stop 'N' Swap®

bg视讯's Stop 'N' Swaps® are our free Community Reuse events that invite the public to take home something new-to-you or add items to the swap for others! You don’t have to bring something to take something! There is no limit to how much you can bring or take home but please leave enough for your neighbors!

Swappable Items: 
Clean, reusable, portable items such as clothing, housewares, electronics, books, and toys. 

Unacceptable Items:
Furniture, large items, expired or open food, unsealed personal care products, child car seats, strollers, medicine, dirty or ripped clothing, fabric scraps, incomplete toys and games, encyclopedias, textbooks, non-working electronics, tube TVs, magazines, or sharp objects.

For everyone's safety and enjoyment, we ask all attendees to abide by the following Code of Conduct and Expected Behavior at Stop 'N' Swap®. For additional information, please see our FAQ section at the bottom of this page.


Sunday, March 10 - Jackson Heights
PS 69: The Jackson Heights School, Cafeteria 
77-02 37th Avenue, Jackson Heights, Queens
12pm-3pm (flyer)
Donations accepted: 11am-2pm
Indoor event | Face coverings are encouraged
Saturday, March 16 - Prospect Heights
PS 9 The Sarah Smith Garnet School, Cafeteria
80 Underhill Ave, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn
Enter on St. Marks Ave b/t Underhill & Vanderbilt Aves
12pm-3pm (flyer)
Donations accepted: 11am-2pm
Indoor event | Face coverings are encouraged
Saturday, March 23 - West Harlem
Apparel Swap ONLY

St. Mary's Church
521 W 126th Street, West Harlem, Manhattan
12pm-3pm (flyer)
Donations accepted: 11am-2pm
Indoor event | Face coverings are encouraged

Attend future swaps by signing up for monthly Stop 'N' Swap® Newsletter and be the first to hear about the next event!

Volunteer at a Stop 'N' Swap through the bg视讯 volunteer page

Host a Stop 'N' Swap in your community! We're always on the lookout for community partners with large, indoor, handicapped accessible spaces.  Contact us at or call 212-788-7900, ext: 291

Hold Your Own Swap If our schedule is full and we can’t get to you soon enough, or you'd like to have a an event of your own, we would be more than happy to offer tips on running a swap for your community. Check out our DIY Swap Guide to get started and feel free to get in touch with us if you have questions! 

Stop 'N' Swap from bg视讯 on Vimeo.

Check out photos from past Stop 'N' Swap events (slideshow)

ZWP Stop 'N' Swap®



What is a Stop ‘N’ Swap?
It’s a free event where people can find new homes for unwanted items (like clothes, books, shoes, toys, housewares) or take items they can use.  You don’t need to bring something to take something! 

How does it work?
Simply drop any items at our "drop-off" table.  We'll weigh them, sort them, and put them out on our display tables. Items on the display tables are free on a first come, first served basis.  

Why does bg视讯 host Stop ‘N’ Swap?
Stop ‘N’ Swap is one way we pursue our mission to reduce waste and promote reuse in NYC.  By participating in community swaps, New Yorkers simultaneously reduce their contribution to landfills and prevent the waste that comes from the production, packaging and transportation required to get new things. It's also an opportunity to engage with NYC communities about recycling resources in their neighborhood and the services of bg视讯's zero waste programs funded by the NYC Department of Sanitation.  Our goal is hold a swap in majority of community districts in NYC every year, so that we can give as many folks in the city an opportunity to reduce and reuse right where they live!

What should I bring to the Stop 'N' Swap?
Bring yourself! Bring family and friends. Definitely bring a tote bag or two for items you want to take home. You are encouraged to bring clean, working and portable items you no longer need, but this is not required.

What shouldn't I bring to the Stop 'N' Swap?
Please do not bring furniture or other large items that cannot be carried away easily. No sharp objects or open personal care products. 

See our Code of Conduct for a full list of items we do not Swap.  

How much does it cost to attend?
Swaps are free of charge and all items are available for the taking on a first come, first served basis.

Can I come to every single swap?
You may attend as many swaps as you like! 

Will I have to wait for people to take my items?
No. Your items will be sorted and placed out after you drop them off for others to take. You are free to pick up items that you can use. There is no exchange based on how much or how little you bring, or the relative expense of the items.  

Will someone watch my stuff?
No. We are not responsible for personal property.  Please do not leave your coat, bag or other items unattended. When leaving donations at the intake table, please be sure to hand us only that which you are giving away.   

Can I drop items off before the event?
Unless otherwise stated, events run from 12pm-3pm and donations are accepted from 11am-2pm, only. We encourage you to drop off near the start to better ensure your items find a new home.

What happens to items leftover after the event?
Anything left at the end of the day will be sorted and recycled or donated for reuse as much as possible.

Can someone pick up my donations from my apartment?
Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate this request.

How can I find new homes for large items or things I forgot to bring to the Stop 'N' Swap?
Try resources like or Craigslist for miscellaneous items. You can also search a list of local charities at DonateNYC.

"Stop 'N' Swap" is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office